Sunday, September 30, 2012

NFL Football Facts and Fun

NFL Football Facts and Fun

?Regardless of what team you follow in the NFL, all fans have one thing in common ? the love of the sport.American Football and the NFL in particular is known and loved throughout America, and the world.With the love of NFL football comes the pleasure of having your team and fellow fans unite to enjoy the sport, the atmosphere and the feeling of being a part of a massive following.

We all support our teams in various ways, and we all enjoy NFL football to differing levels, but regardless of this we all still love to show our support for our team and announcing it to friends and family. We get the opportunity to do this in an endless list of ways from hanging a flag over our bed, drinking from our team?s mug and donning our team?s jersey. Despite how you follow your team and to what degree you love NFL football every fan feels at home when surrounded by the game, and the apparel of the sport.

From the Arizona Cardinals to the Washington Redskins we have access to an endless list of gifts and items to show our love of NFL football and our teams. With more NFL fans worldwide than can be counted the sport Michael Oher White Jersey is loved by all, and is growing everyday. It is difficult to know whether football, or the NFL has more followers, but it is known that in every corner of the globe lays and NFL football fan.

Facts of NFL Football ? The somekeyword league started in 1920 with eleven teams, and since has nearly trebled in size with currently 32 teams competing each season. Despite baseball being known as the American national pastime, American Football and the NFL Lardarius Webb Elite Purple Jersey is the most popular sport in the United States.

The highlight of the NFL Football season is the Super Bowl which is made up each year of the divisional champions from the AFC (American Football Conference) and the NFC (National Football Conference) ? they meet at a neutral venue to decide the Super Bowl champion, the dream of every NFL fan.

NFL football has been known to exceed baseball in regards to fans and spectators by double according to records of 2008, and auto racing by treble. These figures alone show the incredible phenomenon that NFL Football has become and every fan wants to be a part of it on various Lardarius Webb Elite Purple Jersey levels.


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Teachers Write an Open Textbook In a Weekend Hackathon

I can appreciate this. Having just completed a physics masters, I am well acquainted with trying to find textbooks on various things, often referring to the Big Names In Physics Textbooks - that is Landau/Lifshitz, Griffiths, Hecht, Goldstein, Sakurai and the list goes on. The problem is that very few books are written to the levels that students need them.

Introductory undergraduate texts are often superficial enough for a first pass, but quickly become doorstops (e.g. Young and Freedman). Personally I still found them useful for occasional things, but by and large we forgot about them. When you graduate things become more tricky and you resort to reading peer publications and textbooks that fit your niche. This is tricky, but hey, it's research and you live with it. The problem is in between, those three or four years of undergrad where you need excellent concise explanations of, in reality, very complicated phenomena. Most of the time that simply doesn't exist.

After four years of my degree I hit problems. I understood what was taught in the lectures, but I had problems applying the information to other things. Why? Because I found myself asking whether something was possible or not. This was especially apparent in General Relativity with tensor calculus, I was hesitant to work through equations because I wasn't sure whether I could do operation X or if such and such was valid. It's that horrible feeling of knowing enough about a topic to understand that what you're about to do is wrong, but not enough to know the solution.

Let's take quantum mechanics as an example. The textbooks almost uniformly start in the same way, a quick overview of the observed phenomena, some stuff on wave-particle duality and a headfirst dive into the Schr?dinger Equation followed by uses thereof. By the time you get to higher level QM and things like bra-ket notation is introduced, people get confused. They get even more confused when analogies to vectors start being bandied around and when operators come into the fray it gets worse. Why? Because they started the wrong way. Going in the other direction, the big well known books in QM are strictly graduate and often the people recommending them really have no idea what they're talking about. There simply aren't that many geniuses in most colleges/universities. Realistically 95% of students need simple, hand-holdy books with a lot of solid grounding.

There is only one textbook I've found at an undergraduate level that remedies this for QM, and that's Shankar. Whereas most books begin with historical waffle, Shankar immediately dives in with mathematics. Quantum mechanics barely gets mentioned until the third chapter. Why is this? Because it lets you get your head around the idea of a vector "not being a stick with an arrow" as he puts it. Once you understand that a vector is simply a mathematical object that obeys a set of rules and that position vectors happen to obey them also, things get easier. The second chapter is still no quantum and in fact deals with Hamiltonian mechanics, I know of no other book that does this in quite this way. As a result, by the time you get to introducing quantum effects, it is easy to explain the Schr?dinger equation in terms of abstract maths and solving problems becomes more straight forward. In fact, you realise that you learned about operator notation, eigenvector/value/functions before you even learned about the wavefunction and it's simply a matter of applying your knowledge.

The rest of the book is fairly self explanatory, all the usual topics are covered in a decent amount of detail although there is no field theory. But that's not the point. The point is that the reader is given a rigorous mathematical explanation of the physics before the physics is taught. As a result, the physics becomes almost trivial and you can understand why things connect the way they do.

Extend this to the rest of textbooks and you have your problem. Authors need to step into the students' shoes a


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Grieving Pet Owners Want Imported Dog Treats Pulled From Shelves

Rita Desollar believes chicken jerky treats imported from China killed her German shepherd, Heidi. Rita Desollar

Rita Desollar believes chicken jerky treats imported from China killed her German shepherd, Heidi.

The Food and Drug Administration isn't sure, but Rita Desollar of Pekin, Ill., feels she knows what killed Heidi, her 7-year-old German shepherd. She feels it was the chicken jerky strips she bought at her local Walgreen's.

Desollar says on the Wednesday before Memorial Day, she gave two pieces of Waggin' Train jerky to Heidi as a treat. A few days later, Heidi was throwing up and "in a lot of distress," she says. By the time the holiday rolled around on Monday, Desollar says, Heidi was convulsing in her bed. She died that day, before Desollar could even take her to the vet.

"I didn't know what happened or why," she tells The Salt. "I got on the Internet and I typed into Google 'What killed my dog?' What came up took my breath away."


Desollar found dozens of posts on various websites from people who claim their dogs got sick from eating the same types of chicken jerky treats - all of them imported from China. She also discovered that the FDA was conducting an active investigation into these treats, but the agency has not found any direct evidence that the treats are causing a problem, so it has not issued any warnings.

There haven't been warnings because the FDA hasn't officially concluded that there's anything wrong with these imported pet treats. Though it has received more than 2,000 complaints about them in the past five years, the FDA's tests haven't turned up any contaminant or adulterant in the treats that would give it a reason to issue a mandatory recall.

The FDA didn't respond to our inquiries, but an FDA official recently told a conference of veterinarians that concerns about the treats might be overblown.

"Two thousand complaints since 2007 is an incredibly small subset of the 15 million animals estimated to consume these treats," Dr. Tracy DuVernoy, with the FDA's Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation Network, said last month.

DuVernoy didn't rule out a contamination. But she told the veterinarians that, if there is something wrong with the dog treats, it's something the FDA's scientists haven't been able to pin down. "Since a lot has been ruled out," she said, "it might be a very intricate sort of biological response."

DuVernoy was quoted in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medicine Association's web coverage of the conference.

We reached out to the Waggin' Train company, but they haven't responded to us yet. We will update this post if and when they do.

While the FDA waits and conducts more testing, Desollar doesn't want retailers to wait. A few weeks ago, she created an online petition demanding that Walgreen's, Walmart, Kroger and other retailers yank the treats off their shelves. Within less than a month, the petition has garnered more than 60,000 signatures.

We contacted several of the retailers on Desollar's list. They said they're waiting to take action until the FDA comes to an official conclusion about whether the pet treats are safe or not.

But Desollar says, at the very least, the stores should give their customers full information about what's already happened.

"Just tell me it's under FDA investigation," she says. "I'll make the decision."


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Americana revisited: Rockwell's models reuniting

Tom Paquin of North Bennington, Vt., poses with a 1950 Saturday Evening Post illustration by Norman Rockwell for which he modeled at the Bennington Museum on Friday, Sept. 28, 2012, in Bennington, Vt. (AP Photo/Mike Groll)

Tom Paquin of North Bennington, Vt., poses with a 1950 Saturday Evening Post illustration by Norman Rockwell for which he modeled at the Bennington Museum on Friday, Sept. 28, 2012, in Bennington, Vt. (AP Photo/Mike Groll)

Don Trachte of Bennington, Vt., poses with a1953 Child Life magazine cover illustration "Santa's Helpers" by Norman Rockwell for which he modeled, at the Bennington Museum on Friday, Sept. 28, 2012, in Bennington, Vt. Trachte is the child on the left. (AP Photo/Mike Groll)

Mary Immen Hall of Bennington, Vt., looks at the1940 Norman Rockwell illustration "A Scout is Helpful" and the photograph it was created from at the Bennington Museum on Friday, Sept. 28, 2012, in Bennington, Vt. Hall modeled as the little girl in the illustration. (AP Photo/Mike Groll)

Models who modeled for Norman Rockwell illustrations pose with the pieces in which they were featured at the Bennington Museum on Friday, Sept. 28, 2012, in Bennington, Vt. From left is Butch Corbett, Tom Paquin, Don Trachte and seated is Mary Immen Hall. (AP Photo/Mike Groll)

Tom Paquin of North Bennington, Vt., poses with a1950 Saturday Evening Post cover illustration by Norman Rockwell for which he modeled at the Bennington Museum on Friday, Sept. 28, 2012, in Bennington, Vt. (AP Photo/Mike Groll)

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) ? Don Trachte's cowlick has been tamed. Mary Hall is no longer a towhead. Butch Corbett is still thin, but not the beanpole he once was. And Tom Paquin's carrot top is thinner and grayer.

Twenty or so people who were children when they posed in the 1940s and '50s for their neighbor Norman Rockwell in the Vermont town of Arlington are reuniting there Saturday to share their memories of the great American artist who once lived in their midst.

Rockwell captured scenes of everyday life in his paintings and illustrations for covers of the Saturday Evening Post, for the Boy Scouts and for its publication Boys' Life, art now considered the very definition of Americana. He would pay his neighbors $5 a pop to appear in Hallmark cards, in calendars and on magazine covers that ended up gracing the coffee tables and littering the tree houses of millions of magazine readers young and old.

"The Saturday Evening Post came out weekly, and we couldn't wait to get it to see what was on the cover," said Hall, who posed for Rockwell four times. "You could always recognize who it was."

She appeared as a blond girl wrapped in a quilt and being carried out of a flood by a Boy Scout in an image that became a cover of Boys' Life, and as a teenager in a skirt, white blouse, bobby socks and loafers on a Post cover from 1948. It was called "Christmas Homecoming" and showed people welcoming home a young man who's carrying a suitcase full of dirty laundry.

An estimated 300 people from the area modeled for Rockwell during his 14 years in the southern Vermont town. Of the 70 or so still living, the oldest is 93 (he can't make it to the reunion). Many still live in and around Arlington.

Among the models planning to join in is Mary Whalen, who posed for the popular image of a rugged-looking school girl with braids and a black eye, waiting outside a principal's office.

The former models have gotten together before, but this weekend is special. They have been invited to view a new gallery of Rockwell prints and memorabilia that is taking the place of a recently closed Rockwell museum. The new owners are treating them to a turkey lunch in honor of Rockwell's famous painting of an excited family gathered for Thanksgiving dinner.

"I think it's important that the models keep the tradition of the image that Vermont, Arlington in particular, was important in Norman Rockwell's biography. That while he lived in Arlington he did his best work, probably ... and his local models were Arlington people," said James "Buddy" Edgerton, 82, who lived next door to Rockwell, his wife and three sons and modeled for him at least a dozen times.

Rockwell was a full-fledged member of the town, attending school basketball games and square dances, and had a great sense of humor, his neighbors recall. But as one of America's foremost artists, he could be as precise as any high-fashion photographer.

He would first have the models photographed and then would sketch a drawing. Sometimes the session in his studio took minutes, sometimes several hours. He always had a pipe in his mouth, and he joked around with the kids to make them comfortable.

"Rockwell had these images in his head, and he wanted you to smile or be wide-eyed in a certain way. You have to be a little actor, you see, and I probably was a little embarrassed," said Trachte, who was 5 or 6 when he posed for a painting of a little boy and girl in pajamas, holding hands and peering up at Santa Claus. Years later, Trachte and his brother found a Rockwell hidden in a wall at his parents' house; "Breaking Home Ties" sold at auction in 2006 for $15.4 million.

Rockwell knew just what he wanted, instructing the children to sit or stand in certain positions with particular expressions and to wear certain clothing, often providing Scout uniforms, or in one case, the velvet outfit that Hall wore for the cover of an edition of the book "Little Lord Fauntleroy."

"I find his detail just amazing," said Hall, whose father was a real estate agent who sold Rockwell his first and second home in town.

She noted that Rockwell managed to paint the small piece of tape around her leg from a sprained ankle that appeared above her bobby sock: "He didn't miss the details."

Edgerton ? who went on to write the memoir "The Unknown Rockwell: A Portrait of Two American Families," about a farm boy growing up next door to the Rockwells ? modeled for his neighbor mostly as a Scout, with his image published in four calendars.

The last time he modeled was in 1964, after Rockwell had moved about 65 miles away to Stockbridge, Mass., now home to the Norman Rockwell Museum. Edgerton appeared as a Scoutmaster with his son, then 9, in a painting called "Growth of a Leader," showing four profiles of a Scout progressing from a child to an adult with a graying sideburn ? much like Edgerton has today.

"He was a wonderful guy," Edgerton said. "He made you feel you were the most important person in the world when you were doing it."


Hill reported from Bennington, Vt.

Associated Press


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Ex-Sen. Bond now backing Akin's Mo. Senate bid

(AP) ? Former Missouri Sen. Kit Bond is now supporting Todd Akin's Senate campaign after previously calling on him to quit.

Bond's endorsement Friday marks an encouraging sign for Akin, who is trying to rebuild support among the Republican establishment after remarking last month that women's bodies have ways of avoiding pregnancy in what he called "legitimate rape."

Bond was part of a coalition of past and present Missouri senators who had urged Akin to drop out. But Bond now says he believes Akin's apology was sincere and will help his campaign against Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill. Bond says, quote: "It is time to focus on the national stakes in this election."

Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt also recently backed Akin. But former Sen. John Danforth is still not doing so.

Associated Press


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Friday, September 28, 2012

State renews effort to remove ineligible voters (tbo)

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PRLog (Press Release) ? Sep 27, 2012 ?
Vsion Media (, a leading company from Northern Ireland specialising in web design, hosting and SEO services, today announced the launch of ?a new range of website packages at affordable prices too small to medium size businesses.

Belfast based web design (, hosting and SEO service provider. Vsion Media is a provider of Innovative website related services and solutions for businesses both locally in Ireland & UK and internationally and are offering custom website development packages at unbeatable prices. Included in the packages that are on offer by Vsion Media to start-up or existing businesses is the wide range of web development services to fit any budget.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Omidyar Network publishes ?Priming the Pump for Impact Investing? in

As the impact investing industry marks five years since the term ?impact investing? was coined, Omidyar Network has developed a series of six articles that highlight key issues and opportunities for the industry. Presented in partnership with Stanford Social Innovation Review, the online series, ?Priming the Pump for Impact Investing?, begins today and extends through October 2.

Omidyar Network makes the case for a fundamental shift from a firm-based to a sector-based approach to impact investing. By re-directing investments, re-evaluating the role of subsidies and policies, and re-examining returns across the investment continuum, we believe that impact investors can accelerate greater social and financial returns impacting millions of people worldwide.

Join Omidyar Network and the SOCAP?12 community in this dialogue about the approaches and ideas that can help prime the pump to spark, nurture and scale new sectors.

The first article in the series, ?Sectors, Not Just Firms,? can be read on the Stanford Social Innovation Review website.?

Join the conversation on Twitter by following #primingthepump.?




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Asteroid's troughs suggest stunted planet

ScienceDaily (Sep. 26, 2012) ? Enormous troughs that reach across the asteroid Vesta may actually be stretch marks that hint of a complexity beyond most asteroids. Scientists have been trying to determine the origin of these unusual troughs since their discovery just last year. Now, a new analysis supports the notion that the troughs are faults that formed when a fellow asteroid smacked into Vesta's south pole. The research reinforces the claim that Vesta has a layered interior, a quality normally reserved for larger bodies, such as planets and large moons.

Asteroid surface deformities are typically straightforward cracks formed by crashes with other asteroids. Instead, an extensive system of troughs encircles Vesta, the second most massive asteroid in the solar system, about one-seventh as wide as the Moon. The biggest of those troughs, named Divalia Fossa, surpasses the size of the Grand Canyon by spanning 465 kilometers (289 miles) long, 22 km (13.6 mi) wide and 5 km (3 mi) deep.

The origin of these troughs on Vesta has puzzled scientists. The complexity of their formation can't be explained by simple collisions. New measurements of Vesta's topography, derived from images of Vesta taken by NASA's Dawn spacecraft last year, indicate that a large collision could have created the asteroid's troughs. But, this would only have been possible if the asteroid is differentiated -- meaning that it has a core, mantle and crust -- said Debra Buczkowski of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md. Because Vesta is differentiated, its layers have different densities, which react differently to the force from the impact and make it possible for the faulted surface to slide, she added. "By saying it's differentiated, we're basically saying Vesta was a little planet trying to happen."

Her team's research will be published online this Saturday in Geophysical Research Letters.

Most asteroids are pretty simple. "They're just like giant rocks in space," said Buczkowski. But previous research has found signs of igneous rock on Vesta, indicating that rock on Vesta's surface was once molten, a sign of differentiation. If the troughs are made possible by differentiation, then the cracks aren't just troughs, they're graben. A graben is a dip in the surface that forms when two faults move apart from each other and the ground sinks into the widening gap, such as in Death Valley in California. Scientists have also observed graben on the Moon and planets such as Mars.

The images from the Dawn mission show that Vesta's troughs have many of the qualities of graben, said Buczkowski. For example, the walls of troughs on simpler asteroids such as Eros and Lutetia are shaped like the letter V. But Vesta's troughs have floors that are flat or curved and have distinct walls on either side, like the letter U -- a signature of a fault moving apart, instead of simple cracking on the surface.

The scientists' measurements also showed that the bottoms of the troughs on Vesta are relatively flat and slanted toward what's probably a dominant fault, much as they are in Earth-bound graben.

These observations indicate that Vesta is also unusually planet-like for an asteroid in that its mantle is ductile and can stretch under a lot of pressure. "It can become almost silly putty-ish," said Buczkowski. "You pull it and it deforms."

Buczkowski and her colleagues' arguments for differentiation of Vesta are interesting, said planetary scientist Geoff Collins of Wheaton College, in Norton, Mass, who specializes in tectonics, the structure and motion of planetary crusts. "On many much smaller asteroid bodies, we've seen very narrow troughs that look just like cracks on the surface," said Collins, who was not involved in the new study. "But nothing that looks like a sort of traditional terrestrial graben that you'd find on Mars or the moon where things have really been pulled apart."

But Collins is not yet fully convinced that Vesta's troughs are graben. An example of rock-solid evidence of graben on Vesta that has yet to be discovered, he said, would be an obvious crater that had been torn in two by a trough.

There are other qualities of Vesta that could be clues to how the troughs formed. For example, unlike the larger asteroid Ceres, Vesta is not classified as a dwarf planet because the large collision at its south pole knocked it out of its spherical shape, said Buczkowski. It's now more squat, like a walnut. But if Vesta has a mantle and core, that would mean it has qualities often reserved for planets, dwarf planets and moons -- regardless of its shape.

The origin of that funny shape is the centerpiece of a different hypothesis about how the troughs formed. Britney Schmidt of the Institute for Geophysics in Austin, Texas, believes the south pole collision knocked Vesta into its current speedy rate of rotation about its axis of about once per 5.35 hours, which may have caused the equator to bulge outward so far and so fast that the rotation caused the troughs, rather than the direct power of the impact. "It's an enigma why Vesta rotates so quickly," said Schmidt, who was not a part of the current study.

Dawn has already left to explore Ceres, so all the data it will retrieve on Vesta is in hand. Buczkowski said scientists will continue to sort that data out and improve on computer simulations of Vesta's interior. As those analyses come along, she said she will keep an open mind toward any revelations that come to light, but she doesn't expect her conclusion will change. "I really think that these are graben," she said.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Geophysical Union.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Debra L Buczkowski, Paul M. Schenk, Lucille Le Corre, Vishnu Reddy, R. Aileen Yingst, Scott Charles Mest, David A Williams, W. Brent Garry, Olivier S. Barnouin, Ralf Jaumann, Carol A. Raymond, Danielle Y Wyrick, Christopher T. Russell, Kaushik Iyer, Eliezer Kahn, Jennifer Scully, Andreas Nathues, Bob Gaskell, Thomas Roatsch, Frank Preusker. Large-scale troughs on Vesta: A signature of planetary tectonics. Geophysical Research Letters, 2012; DOI: 10.1029/2012GL052959

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Romney, Obama descend on battleground Ohio

WESTERVILLE, Ohio (AP) ? Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Wednesday that he understands the struggles of working families and has the know-how to fix them as he sought to counteract fallout from a secret video that President Barack Obama won't let him live down.

With polls showing the president ahead in key swing states that will decide the race, the White House expressed confidence. "As time progresses, you know, the field is looking like it's narrowing for them," campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters aboard Air Force One as Obama headed for his own rallies in Ohio. "And so in that sense we'd rather be us than them."

Obama was stopping at two college campuses in the hunt for the state's 18 electoral votes, while Romney was here for a second straight day on a bus emblazoned with, "More Jobs, More Take-Home Pay." Losing the state would dramatically narrow Romney's path to the 270 Electoral College votes it takes to win the White House ? and no Republican has ever lost Ohio and won the presidency.

Romney's pitch for working-class men was far from subtle. He campaigned at a factory that makes commercial spring wire, touring the noisy plant floor in goggles and rolled-up shirt sleeves alongside television's king of macho, Discovery Channel's "Dirty Jobs" host Mike Rowe. The pair spoke later from a stage set with hard hat-wearing workers, giant coils of steel wire, open metal cross beams and yellow caution signs in the background.

The economy during Obama's presidency has been especially hard on male blue-collar workers. But secretly recorded video of Romney telling donors he doesn't need to worry about the 47 percent of Americans who don't pay income taxes and "believe that they are victims" has distracted from his argument that blue-collar men should throw Obama out over his fiscal record.

Obama continued to remind voters of Romney's secretly recorded remarks in television ads and a speech at Bowling Green State University.

"Look, I don't believe we can get very far with leaders who write off half the nation as a bunch of victims who never take responsibility for their own lives," Obama said. "I've got to tell you, as I travel around Ohio and as I look out on this crowd, I don't see a lot of victims. I see hard working Ohioans."

At an earlier stop outside Columbus, Romney touted his business experience as reason he can do better. "I care about the people of America. The difference between me and President Obama is I know what to do and I will do what it takes to get this economy going," Romney said to a standing ovation from supporters.

Romney also released a 60-second television ad with a new, softer approach than the negative ads dominating the airways. It's unclear how much ? if at all ? the commercial will air on television, but it echoed Romney's compassionate pitch from the campaign trial. The candidate, in an open-collar shirt, speaks into the camera about the struggles of living paycheck to paycheck and trying to pay for necessities like food and gas on falling incomes.

"President Obama and I both care about poor and middle-class families," Romney says. "The difference is my policies will make things better for them."

And Romney's new insistence that he's the better candidate to help middle-class families comes after his campaign's recent announcement that he'll do more to describe what he would do as president. At his morning rally, Romney stood in front of a running national debt clock and focused on Obama's handling of the debt and the interest piling up.

Romney's comments follow a Washington Post poll that shows the federal debt and deficit are the one set of issues on which he has an advantage over Obama with likely voters. In recent weeks, Romney has lost his polling edge on the economy generally, with more people saying they now trust Obama to fix the nation's economic woes.

The gym couldn't hold all the people who came to see Romney at Alum Creek Park, and he stopped by an overflow room to shake hands with those who couldn't get in to see him in person. As he was leaving, one supporter told him: "Please get us out of this mess."

Introducing Romney was golfing great Jack Nicklaus, an Ohio native. Romney's campaign produced signs that read, "The Golden Bear for Romney/Ryan," featuring the campaign logo and a silhouette of Nicklaus swinging a club. "I certainly didn't apologize for my success," Nicklaus told the audience to cheers.

Obama planned to campaign later Wednesday at Kent State University, hoping to generate the kind of enthusiasm among young voters that helped fuel his victory four years ago. Romney focused on major metropolitan areas of the state where large numbers of voters live.

Buoyed by signs of an improving economy, Obama has the edge in polls in Ohio six weeks from Election Day. The president has led Romney in a series of recent surveys in the state, with a Washington Post poll on Tuesday showing Obama with a lead that was outside the poll's margin of error. A CBS/New York Times poll also showed Obama ahead here. Even on handling of the economy, where Romney until recently had an advantage, Obama now leads.


Pickler reported from Washington. Associated Press writer Steve Peoples in Bowling Green, Ohio, contributed to this report.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How can humans touch Mars? Bring back a soil sample

A new report from NASA suggests that the agency prioritize bringing samples back from Mars to Earth for study. NASA will not make a specific plan for how they'll achieve this goal until after the president releases his 2014 budget in February. ?

By Mike Wall,? / September 25, 2012

This artist's concept shows a rendezvous in Mars orbit between a small container holding Red Planet samples and a vehicle that will fly them back to Earth.



The next steps in NASA's Mars exploration strategy should build toward returning Martian rocks and dirt to Earth to search for signs of past life, a new report by the space agency's Red Planet planning group finds.

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The report, released today (Sept. 25) by the?Mars Program Planning Group?(MPPG), lays out a series of options that NASA could employ to get pieces of the Red Planet in scientists' hands here on Earth. The space agency is now mulling those options and could announce its chosen path by early next year, when the White House releases its proposed budget for fiscal year 2014.

"The first public release of what plans, you know, we definitively have would not be until the president presents that budget to Congress in February of 2013," John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for NASA?s Science Mission Directorate, told reporters today.

NASA put together the MPPG this past March to help?restructure its Mars strategy?in the wake of cuts to the space agency's robotic exploration program.

The MPPG was instructed to consider NASA's newly constrained fiscal situation and the priorities laid out by the U.S. National Research Council's Planetary Decadal Survey, which was released last year. President Barack Obama's directive that the agency get astronauts to the vicinity of?Mars?by the mid-2030s was another factor, NASA officials said.

The MPPG's focus on sample-return should thus come as no surprise. It was a top priority of the Decadal Survey, and sample-return could help spur and work in concert with NASA's plans for human exploration of Mars, Grunsfeld said. [7 Biggest Mysteries of Mars]

"Sample-return?represents the best opportunity to find symmetry technologically between the programs," he said. "Sending a mission to go to Mars and return a sample looks a lot like sending a crew to Mars and returning them safely."

Humans could even be involved in the sample-return process, according to the MPPG report. Astronauts aboard NASA's?Orion capsule, which is currently under development, could intercept the Martian sample in deep space, secure it in a contained environment, and bring it safely down to Earth.

"It is taking advantage of the human architecture, because we anticipate it will be there," Grunsfeld said. "And it potentially solves an issue of, when we return samples, somewhere we have to make sure that the samples are completely contained so there's no chance ? remote as it may be ? that there is something on Mars that could contaminate Earth."


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Visualized: Nokia's Asha 308, 309 in-house lunchtime launch

Visualized Nokia's Asha 308, 309 inhouse lunchtime launch

Typically, when OEMs launch the next generation of their mobile wares, we're treated to painstakingly choreographed industry parties (that we chronicle in great detail). In fact, we can think of a recent one in particular that saw several tech journos corralled into a blue-hued freight elevator and then let loose on three levels of demos. Well, if you thought new product excitement began and ended with select press events or that executive-level enthusiasm was all just a by-product of intense media training, think again. As you can see from the image above, lunch time at Nokia's glass-walled HQ saw a crowd of curious employees noshing on the assortment of cafeteria delights while also sampling the newly announced Asha 308 and 309. It's that company-wide, inside-out passion for all things Nokia we've seen evidence of again and again throughout our time in Espoo. And because of that, we feel justified in saying there's clearly something in the Finnish water.

Zach Honig contributed to this report.

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Visualized: Nokia's Asha 308, 309 in-house lunchtime launch originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 10:15:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Burkina sees big boost from new mines, code: minister

OUAGADOUGOU (Reuters) - Seven new mines are expected to open in Burkina Faso and together with an improved mining code should double the sector's contribution to the country's economy in the coming years, the west African nation's mines minister said.

The new mining code, a revamp of a 2003 document that is due to be tabled in parliament by the end of this year, will benefit both the state and mining companies in equal measure, Salif Lamoussa Kabora told Reuters in Ouagadougou late on Tuesday.

The current draft of the law includes a 20 percent tax on the sale of licences, a move that may hit expansion plans by miners operating in the country, which has attracted small and mid-sized companies.

Kabora said there would be a number of other changes to the tax system aimed at increasing government revenues from the sector but declined to give any further details.

Kabora said that the sector's contribution to the economy currently represents 12.7 percent of Burkina Faso's roughly $10 billion gross domestic product. But he said the figure was set to leap with the opening of the nation's eighth mine at the end of 2012 and another six mines in the coming years.

"If I look at the projections, with 14 mines it should come to 20-25 percent (of GDP). That is our aim," he said.

Miners already operating in Burkina Faso, one the world's poorest nations, include Avocet Mining Plc, Cluff Gold Plc and Blackthorn Resources.

The Bissa-Zandkom gold mine, a joint venture between Burkina Faso and Russia's Nordgold, is due to launch production in December.

Operations expected to come online by 2015 include a zinc mine joint-owned by Blackthorn and Glencore and the Tambao manganese mine.

A geology similar to neighbouring Ghana and Mali, Africa's second and third largest bullion producers respectively, has made Burkina Faso attractive to miners lured by gold prices hovering around historic highs.

While a strategy aimed at selling the country's mining potential to investors has proved successful over the past decade, Kabora said the current mining code has not allowed Burkina Faso to fully benefit from the sector's growth.

"In the 2003 code we were trying to attract lots of mining companies. We achieved that...but we were not a country with a mining tradition. There were errors," Kabora said.

"We have decided to make some corrections. But I can assure you that this code will not make investors flee...These changes will benefit the state as well as the mining companies," he added.

On the Fraser Institute's 2011/12 mining index - a measure of industry perceptions of a country's policies and minerals potential - Burkina Faso is ranked third most attractive in Africa, behind Botswana and Ghana and ahead of heavyweights such as South Africa and Mali.


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Pet Hunter Diaries: Prepared For ?Pandaria? ? MMO Gamer Chick

Dear Diary,

New Acquisitions: 4
Current Total: 155

Isn?t it amazing, how sometimes, even achieving a small, seemingly trivial goal can make you feel like a million bucks? I think because of this, some part of me will always be drawn to World of Warcraft ? it is, in essence, a very goal-oriented game; there?s always something to be working towards, whether you?re a hardcore raider chasing heroic achievements, or simply like good old boring down-to-earth me, trying to collect 150 unique companion pets before the release of Mists of Pandaria.

In less than 24 hours, the expansion will launch, and I?m happy to report that I?ve completed what I set out to do well ahead of time, but why stop there? I?m sure I don?t have to tell you, a pet hunter?s job is never done. I?ve always been a rabid an enthusiastic collector of companion pets, which makes the upcoming pet capture-and-battle system feel like it?s right up my alley, but it?s also very exciting to see that more and more people are beginning to discover the joys of vanity pets, particularly those who have otherwise expressed little interest before.

For the last couple of WoW expansions I played until I reached the new level cap, and then stopped not long after that. I like raiding on occasion, but I?ve always been a proponent for more activity choices for endgame. Could pet hunting and battling be the answer to my ennui? That remains to be seen, but the last several weeks of doing nothing in game but focusing on amassing my pet collection has been very enlightening. Apparently, that alone has been enough for me to feel quite accomplished. But hey ? I am, after all, your average everyday pet fiend.

I think I?ve done all I can pre-MoP for now. I?m sure that after Tuesday everyone?s pet collection including my own will explode, making the 150 unique pet achievement look like peanuts, but it was fun while it lasted. Now the question is, when I sit down to play tomorrow night, do I concentrate on starting my journey to level 90, roll a new Pandaren monk, or jump right into pet hunting? Choices, choices, choices.

And speaking of choices, I should also start thinking about assembling my pet battle team. The possibilities are endless:

That last one actually might not be such a bad idea, though the thought of someone beating up my little polar bear is too demoralizing and soul-crushing to even imagine; I just don?t know if I could take it.

To my fellow pet enthusiasts, see you all in Panda Land! It is my hope to meet you one day with honor on the pet battlefield.

Happy hunting,


Latest field notes and recently hunted pets:

Hyjal Bear Cub

Another baby bear! After two months doing Firelands dailies (didn?t always do them every day, that?s why it took longer) finally unlocked vendor to purchase this little guy. Probably obvious why I chose him first, as he is very cute, very cool. Having to spend more than 1000 gold to buy him, not so cool. Damn you, why do bear cubs have to be so stinkin? adorable?

Crimson Lasher

Several days later, unlocked second Firelands vendor to buy this pet. What a PITA this event chain is. Another 1000+ gold down the hatch, but now have my own little Crimson Lasher. No, definitely not feeding it any more burning scorpid gunk.

Fox Kit

Spent weeks doing Tol Barad dailies, hoping for Alliance controlled every day in order for few extra commendations. Killed every Baradin Fox I came across, but after a pile of fox corpses still no luck. Screw it, finally just spent 200 commendations at the vendor for this pet and called it a day. Totally worth it. Has great dancing animation!


Checked AH periodically for hex sticks, buying any I could find for 5 gold or less (go to hell, sellers who list for 25g) to use on forest frogs in heroic ZA. Kitty stealth solo run ftw! Got lucky on third run, using second to last hex stick left in inventory. Finally got my Mojo!


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[Review] Who Killed Change? | Young Upstarts

Written by Ken Blanchard of ?The One Minute Manager? fame, together with his co-authors John Britt, Pat Zigarmi and Judd Hoekstra, ?Who Killed Change?? is a whodunnit with a business twist. The slim volume is easily read in one sitting and imbues one with useful pointers when implementing change management.

The plot goes like this. Somebody in the ACME organisation has killed Change. In this case, Change of course represents Change Management ? a very necessary ingredient for enduring organizational effectiveness when things no longer become business as usual.

To investigate the ghastly affair, cigar chomping Agent McNally interviews various key employees in the organization ? from nondescript Carolina Culture, lackadaisical Ernest Urgency, uptight Bailey Budget, short-sighted Victoria Vision to ill-disciplined Terry Trainer, amongst others.

Each character in the motley crew of managers represent a particular dimension of an organization, and the way they were described implied that they were often far from what they were supposed to be (e.g. Perry Plan always being late and not on time). Now doesn?t that sound familiar to us working in real organizations?

In total, 13 aspects of the organization were ?hauled up? for questioning, namely:

1. Culture ? defines the predominant attitudes, beliefs and behavior patterns.

2. Commitment ? describes a person?s motivation and confidence to engage in the new behaviors required by Change.

3. Sponsorship ? a senior leader with the authority to deploy resources towards the Change.

4. Change Leadership Team ? leads the Change into the organization by speaking in one voice and resolving concerns.

5. Communication ? creates opportunities for dialogue with change leaders and those affected.

6. Urgency ? explains why Change is needed and how quickly people must change the way they work.

7. Vision ? paints a clear and compelling picture of the future after Change has been integrated.

8. Plan ? clarifies the priorities of Change relative to others and develop detailed and realistic implementation plan plus support infrastructure.

9. Budget ? analyses Changes from financial perspective to determine ROI and resource allocation.

10. Trainer ? equips staff to change with necessary skills needed to succeed.

11. Incentive ? recognizes and rewards people to reinforce desired behaviors for Change.

12. Performance Management ? sets goals and expectations, tracks progress, provides feedback and formally documents actual versus projected results.

13. Accountability ? follows through with people to ensure behaviors and results are aligned to goals and expectations, with leaders walking the talk.

After the murderer was announced (go read it to find out who!), the last chapter of the book provides useful tips on how to infuse change management into the 13 aspects of an organization. We?re taught that successful change management must be fully embraced by different divisions and functions. The buy-in of all affected staff needs to be sought beyond that of the senior leadership.

Change must also be woven into all the key corporate functions ? from strategy and vision setting to budgets, performance management, training and project management. It needs to tackle both the ?hard? factors (budget, plans, performance, accountability) and the ?soft? factors (culture, training, urgency, and communication).

Overall, I find the book both entertaining and enlightening, serving as a useful reminder of what many of us already know. Change is always a difficult subject in any organization, and using a management fable helps to bring to life some of these important lessons that one must learn. The challenge of course is in the implementation of change, and that probably requires more than what a fictional tale can achieve.

Walter is a corporate professional with more than 15 years of experience in marketing, public relations, social media, events management, strategic planning and corporate development. He blogs at Cooler Insights.


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Brazil judge orders arrest of Google president

(AP) ? A judge has ordered the arrest of the president of Google's operations in Brazil for failure to remove You Tube videos that attacked a mayoral candidate.

The order to arrest Fabio Jose Silva Coelho was issued Monday by Judge Flavio Peren of Mato Grosso do Sul state. It was prompted by two videos containing disparaging remarks against Alcides Bernal who is running for mayor of the city of Campo Grande.

Peren ordered the removal of the videos last week. He also ordered a statewide, 24-hour suspension of Google and its video sharing web site.

Police say they have not received orders to arrest Coelho.

Google says in a statement it is appealing the judge's ruling because it is not responsible for the content posted on its site.

Associated Press


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Monday, September 24, 2012

Behind the scenes of the Monster Midway Invasion Celebration Parade! Catch the p...

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Blueline Products Launches HCG Diet Drops Web Blog Network ...

Blueline Products Company has just solved a major problem for online merchants. Getting traffic is sure to be a major aim in order to get internet sales. No traffic, no sales. The company will design and host, a Weight Control Blog Site that links to the Dealer?s Main Ecommerce Site. Weight Loss Blog Network. This is a formula for success.

The articles posted on the Blog Sites will have Keywords that'll be picked up by the search websites, and linked back to the HCG diet Drops Dealers Site. He is going on to say : ?They work while your sleeping, as net users do keyword searches, and end up at your site?, ?It works big time?. A Dealer can post as many articles as they like on their Blog. The more, the better. Blueline makes sure they work by posting a few articles a week to the HCG Dealer?s Blog. What this represents is a well thought out web business model. A main eCommerce Site selling the latest products, in the hottest selling category : Weight Reduction Supplements.

Blueline provides a Turnkey Site, and the Dealer Blog Site to force traffic to the main site, a winning combination. The products are beyond reproach, as this is an efficient line that really produces results. A marketing dream made reality. Strong company marketing support, plus a line of cutting edge weightloss nutriceuticals that cause weight loss.

A high tech line-up of super-potent liquid formulas containing clinically proven ingredients. The company is at present accepting new Dealer / Distributor Applications for a limited time. This could beman opportunity that should not be passed up by any person interested in making a new career. Imagine, a home-based business that can make an individual independent in a money sense in almost no time.

This, and other items, are currently available at their online store : myhcgwholesale. Dave G Smith, CEO, has on ongoing commitment to pressing forward with in-depth research into the best methods to deliver nutriceuticals to the public. Blueline Products has changed the landscape in the weight reduction industry with the releasing of Vibrational HCG Diet Drops, and their line of microencapsulated liquid formulas. Plenty more cutting edge products can be anticipated in the future.


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Snooker: Higgins sneaks home in China

John Higgins won the Shanghai Masters title in a thrilling final, beating Judd Trump 10-9 in the best-of-19 match yesterday. It was the Scot's 25th career title and his first since he beat Trump in the 2011 World Championship final.

Trump had stormed into a 5-0 lead with breaks of 112, 80, 74 and 111 before Higgins hit back with a maximum 147 in the sixth frame. But having trailed 7-2 at the interval, Higgins won six straight frames to go 8-7 ahead, winning the 15th frame on the black.

Trump hit back with a 105 break to level at 8-8, but Higgins prevailed in a scrappy 17th to go 9-8. Trump won a cagey safety battle in the 18th frame to set up the decider. He edged ahead with a 35 break, but Higgins was eventually able to win 66-36 to claim the ?75,000 winner's prize.


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Learn the techniques behind the selection of a enterprise marketing ...

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About the Writer

Look at much more low cost and affordable SEO deals on our site seocompanychandigarh.

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Originally posted 2012-05-28 04:49:25.


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Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

Story Created: Sep 21, 2012 at 7:35 PM PDT

Story Updated: Sep 21, 2012 at 8:02 PM PDT

It's not too late to go pink.

Santa Barbara residents and visitors did just that Friday in the name of breast cancer awareness.

Downtown Santa Barbara underwent a pink makeover in support of the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. State street was filled with lively musicians and entertainers throughout the day.

There were fashion demonstrations, fittings, make-up classes, discounted wine tastings and other refreshments.

Don't worry if you missed out on it Friday, it will all take place again Saturday.

The 10th annual Avon Walk for breast cancer, Santa Barbara starts Saturday.

For more information, you can go to


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